Industry News

European planes hit by mystery GPS jamming

Planes flying over and around the Baltic Sea in northern Europe have been suffering technical problems caused by jamming since Sunday, with 1614 planes, mostly civilian, reporting problems since then.
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Possible Negative Leap Second?

For the first time in history, world timekeepers may have to consider subtracting a second from our clocks in a few years because the planet is rotating a tad faster than it used to.
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China had "persistent" access to U.S. critical infrastructure

China-backed hackers have had access to some major U.S. critical infrastructure for "at least five years," according to an intelligence advisory. . .
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Experts Warn of Massive Blackouts Across America

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation's (NERC) 2023–2024 Winter Reliability Assessment​ finds that much of North America is again at an elevated risk of having insufficient energy supplies to meet demand in extreme operating conditions.
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Leap seconds could become leap minutes...

Already endangered, the leap second might have a practical successor soon.
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GPS Spoofing Raises Alarms

Not completely GPS but interesting just the same. Someone in the Middle East has figured out how to spoof GPS data and it’s playing havoc with aircraft navigation.
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Chinese Gov Hackers Caught Hiding in Cisco Router Firmware

The NSA and FBI warn that a Chinese state-sponsored APT called BlackTech is hacking into network edge devices and using firmware implants to silently hop around the corporate networks of U.S. and Japanese companies.
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