Accessories - AP0008900 BNC (Female) Breakout to 100 mm Wires

Model 940A Timing System Analyzer
Model 120A GNSS Synchronized Clock (100ns)
Model 1200B GNSS Synchronized Clock (200ns)
Model 1201B/C GNSS Synchronized Clock (100ns)
Model 1202B/C GNSS Synchronized Clock (100ns)
Model 1205B/C GNSS Synchronized Clock (40ns)
Model 1205D GNSS Synchronized Clock (40ns)
Model 1206B/C GNSS Synchronized Clock (40ns)
Model 1094B GPS Substation Clock (250 ns)
Model 1095A/C Industrial GPS Clock (250 ns)
Model 1073A Distribution Amplifier
Model 1083B GPS Satellite-Controlled Frequency Standard - DISCONTINUED
Model 1088B GPS Satellite Clock (40 ns) - DISCONTINUED
Model 1092A/B/C GPS Satellite-Controlled Clock (500 ns) - DISCONTINUED
Model 1093B/C GPS Satellite-Controlled Clock (500 ns) - DISCONTINUED
Model 1133A Power Sentinel™
Model 10881A Fiber-Optic to Logic Adapter
Model 10887A Isolated Repeater
Model 10888A Logic to Fiber-Optic Transmitter
Model 10889A Fiber-Optic to Logic Adapter, 6 Output
AS0028100 600 Ohm IRIG-B Isolation Transformer
Summary Information
Converts any terminal block output to female BNC. Use this to connect a male BNC-terminated coaxial cable to a terminal block.
Full Description
BNC (Female) Breakout to 100 mm Wires.